Our board certified orthodontists at Cooney & Tyner Orthodontics want you to have the information you need about your upcoming treatment plans. Learn about the four recommended Carriere Distalizer treatment steps for Invisalign patients:
Step 1: 3D digital imaging of your teeth.

Step 2: Placement of Carriere Distalizer appliances on the upper arch with Invisalign Aligners and attachments on the lower arch. To begin correcting bite issues, elastics are generally worn for 6-9 months depending on compliance.

Step 3: Removal of Carriere Distalizer appliances and placement of upper Invisalign Aligners and attachments. Begin rotating aligners to facilitate movements for the duration of treatment. You will have updated scans and multiple batches of aligners throughout treatment to progress movement as needed. Most patients will need an Interproximal Reduction (space stealing) procedure completed where we reshape the teeth to help with crowding issues. This is generally done a few months into treatment.

Step 4: Removal of all attachments and placement of upper and lower clear plastic retainers. Retainers will be worn full time for a few weeks, then 12hrs a day for a year, then night time for a lifetime to stabilize and maintain your hard work.

Have questions about the best orthodontic treatment for you? Contact our experienced orthodontic team via phone / email or schedule a complimentary consultation today!